
Monday, April 15, 2013

week fifteen

Whoa, week fifteen passed by as quickly as the weeks before. Can't it just slow down a little because like this I always feel as if I am two steps behind everything. On Monday evening the klutz in me came out and I burned myself pretty badly on my wrist while boiling water for a cup of tea. I never had a 2nd degree burn before and got worried when a huge blister formed on my arm but when I had my doctor check it out it wasn't as bad as I though and now I can already see that it started to heal. The weekend was a lazy one again, on Saturday P and I walked over to an estate sale around the corner from where we live. Of course I didn't leave empty handed and ended up buying a metal cabinet. The house where the sale was at was amazing, at least at one point in time it was pretty grand. It had amazing details like woodwork and tin ceilings. From what I understand it will be for sale soon. Too bad I can't fix it up...Sunday we had brunch with a group of friends and because the weather was so nice we ended up on a roof bar after to catch some rays. I could do that more often...What was your week/weekend like? Lazy like mine or did you get all worked up on a diy project or something like that?

Happy week sixteen! Let's what you will bring us...


  1. Outch! Hope the burn heals quickly. Weird but my co worker also had got a 2nd degree burn on her finger while cooking. Just so odd it's happening at the same time...
    That pink flowering tree is beautiful. Magnolia?

    1. The burn is healing already but it looked bad at first. I burned myself on the steam rising from the tea kettle...You are right the tree is a magnolia. I wish I had one in my front yard...

  2. Of course you didn't leave empty handed! You're an estate sale maven, after all ;) Can't wait to see the cabinet in all it's refinished glory. I love the idea of peaking into people's homes, especially seeing all the details that time forgets like tin ceilings. Your burn sounds so painful! Ugh, I'm such a mess in the kitchen I'm always afraid I'm going to burn myself too. Thankfully yours wasn't as bad as you originally thought! Here's to a fast healing process.

    1. Ha, ha you know me so well I could never leave an estate sale empty handed ;) The peeking into other peoples homes is definitely a part of the charm of estate sales...

  3. Week 15!!?!? This year seems to be flying by! I love that picture of the pink flowers, I wish it was just as spring-y here! I am so jealous of your rooftop bar adventure too!

    1. I could have stayed basking in the sun on that rooftop forever. The people watching on that roof of the house next door was so much fun...I feel like this year is flying by so fast that in a blink of the eye Chistmas will be around again ;)

  4. oh gosh i hate burns they are just the worst, there's no escaping the pain. hope it heal quickly enough. my weekend was both really, really lazy and productive. mostly lazy though. the weather here has turned back to rainy, windy and cold :( i am ready for more sun!

    1. Luckily the burn doesn't hurt anymore but now that the skin is healing it is itching like crazy. I think that's even worse than the pain...lazy and productive sounds like a great combination for a weekend! I am sending you some sunshine to chase away the rainy cold!

  5. Nina, I've been trying to find restaurant patios that I can visit now that the weather is much more awesome.

    Eeks, I hope the burn heals. I had a bad one that I got from spilling pasta (long story) all over my leg and it left a terrible scar for two years

  6. I burned my hand at Easter. Aren't you loving all these burn stories! It hurt so much that every time my 13 year old asked how my hand was feeling I'd say, "It hurts like a son of a bitch." Good parenting moment.

    And yes, the itching was worse. :)

  7. I hope you've managed to take care of that burn. Last weekend was a weekend of errands for us. To which I say Booo! I rather either be out enjoying or be in my pj's all day - no in-betweens!
