
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

spammer's mash-up

I was just deleting spam comments from this blog and I am always amazed at how funny or weird some can be. Here are the best or the worst of my recent spam comments, however you might look at it...

Thank you so much! But why did you have to link back to a wart, mole and skintag removal site?

Who are you calling brain dead mister? Here is nobody who's brain dead but you for thinking I might click on the link of your obscure website.

Hmmm, what are you talking about? The post was about a table I found at an estate sale. I'll see maybe I can find the battery hiding inside it if I look more closely...

Uh huh and how do I get rich exactly? I guess I'll have to click over to your site...

Can you please explain this for people like me, who are not native speakers of the English language? I have no idea what you are talking about. One quick tip for future comments Andrew Shue and Elisabeth Shue are not only buddies they are actually brother and sister.

Happy hump day my lovelies! Do you get weird spam comments like this as well?


  1. Not as weird!! :) Mine are usually totally unrelated to the post, or then just adds to some stuff somehow related to the post. The ones that are totally off topic I delete, but I've had some hard time deleting comments that are adds but that are written in ok language and are actually related to the topic.

    'Brain dead' hahahahah :D

  2. Ugh, I was getting a ton of spam comments so I disabled the anonymous comments on my blog. Since then, nada. Those spam companies are merciless and should die a terrible death

  3. Nina this is such a funny post. I get hundreds of these weird messages too. I'm with Rooth: die spammers, die!

  4. hm vielleicht kams auch nur uns so überfüllt vor, aber ich bevorzuge halt ne andere atmosphäre! bin da eher konservativ eingestellt.


    1. Na, ja es sollte doch klar sein, dass im Vapiano eher Cafetria Charme herrscht ;) Aber das Essen ist lecker und gerade wenn es schnell gehen soll und man nicht zu McD oder so will finde ich den Laden sehr praktisch.


  5. This is so great!! Haha I get weirdos all the time too :) think this type of post should become a regular feature ;)

  6. AWESOME! You should make this a regular feature! Love it! :)

  7. This was HILARIOUS!! I too get some pretty funny spam comments but none like these. I agree with Lauren, this needs to be a regular feature for sure!!

  8. hahahaha! i have been getting sooo much spam lately, in fact 95 just in the last 5 days, gah! it's really been aggravating me off so i am glad you posted this and perhaps i can laugh at it now rather than feel so grumpy about it. last night my email was hacked for the first time. what people do this? why? i don't know if it's because they actually think people are still naive to this or if it's just to be really, really annoying.

    1. Oh, no! I had my twitter account hacked once and they sent out messages linking to some porn websites...

  9. When I showed P the post I think he thought it was a bit strange but glad you liked the spammer's mash up. I already got some more hilarious comments, maybe I'll turn it in a regular series, every other month or so...

  10. Oh my gosh. I just put my head in my hands and despaired about the amount of spam I have been getting lately too. I even capitulated and turned my word verification back on for a few hours just to get some reprieve. My spam is pretty similar to yours – it has me scratching my head wondering what the purpose of spam is? I am never ever ever going to click on one of their links. Ever. My personal favourite one lately has been the one that starts off with “hello my dear”. Excuse me? Who are you calling your dear? This brought a smile to my face today :)

  11. This is very funny :) If you do however want to get rid of it use the Akismet plugin. It takes care of it all. Have a lovely day!

  12. Nina, this is so hilarious! You are so clever and funny for sharing these obscure (spam) comments with us. Next time, before I quickly delete it, I'm going to read my spam comments. I bet they're equally as funny.
