
Thursday, December 13, 2012

decorating for christmas - poinsettias

So far we haven't decorated much for the holidays because our downstairs is still a big construction zone. On Saturday P started to put away things that weren't needed anymore as well as folding all the empty boxes (bathtub, IKEA, tiles etc.) while I painted the bathrooms. On our trip to the Home Depot, where we needed to grab some painting supplies we also grabbed a Christmas tree and a three pack of white poinsettias. The poinsettias were an impulse buy, I have never bought one before. I thought they might look nice on our dining room table and make the space look less construction zone and more like a livable space. They are planted in three old glass vases I had floating around. I used marble chips on the bottom of each vase and filled the rest with potting soil, both were leftover from some gardening project years ago. The little merry x-mas cut out was hanging on a present my parents gave me some time ago. We now have three live plants in the house, I really hope I won't forget watering them...

What are you doing to prepare your home for the holidays?

PS. Happy Hanukkah to everyone who celebrates it! :)
PPS. Can you spot where I missed cleaning up before taking my photos?
PPPS.  Fun fact in German poinsettias are called Wheinachtsstern meaning Christmasstar.



  1. They look really good displayed on your dining room table like that and really brighten up the space

  2. Gorgeous, oh! Really, really lovely! I'm thinking we need a whole-house tour ASAP, Miss Nina!

    1. Lauren, thank you! I have thought about taking photos for a house tour, we'll see when I have the time to so so..

  3. that is a gorgeous space. those poinsettias look so lovely on your table, love them in the glass - what a great way to modernize them. and yes i think i can spot the little rouge thing that got away from your cleaning, i think he's hiding under the table?

    1. Chrsitine, you spotted it! It only came to my attention when I started reviewing my photos. Oh, well it makes it more real ;)

  4. Aw, the poinsettias look wonderful! They're so tiny. I love how non-overpowering they are. Aren't they usually giant and red and in-your-face? I think they're poisonous to dogs, too. Or maybe that's mistletoe and I'm making it up. I agree with Lauren, I want a full house tour! Once you're all done putting your touches on everything :)

    1. Yes, I also thought about giant red flowers when thinking about poinsettias and somehow there were a little grandmaish to me. I will be working on a house tour next year...

  5. Hey! In Finnish those are called the same! As a reply to Erin, yes poinsettias are poisonous as are many other house plants.
    I really enjoy this room. Such a lovely bones and the white furniture you have there. Beautiful.

  6. they look lovely. Were they already potted that way? If so, I'm going to be impressed, for once, by the Home Depot.

    1. Thank you! They didn't come that way, I potted them in the glass vases myself ;)


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